Dream along with me

God’s there, always!

There are several pressures in my life right now, ones I cannot resolve myself; I must wait for others to act first. This, of course, aggravates me, and in this I must confess my unbelief to the Lord. Then I prayed for help--and He gave it.

Last night He give me 2 dreams and a nudge. Both dreams were about messages I’d prepared from the book of James. I can’t remember the details, but God’s message came through clearly: “Trust Me!”

Then, He showed me how He was already helping. At 1:30 AM I woke up and suddenly realized that when I paid my my taxes earlier in the day, I’d used the wrong checkbook and wrote a check that will bounce!

But wait! The night wasn’t over and I could be pretty sure that the check hadn’t yet been processed. So, I got up, logged into my bank account and transferred the money into the correct checking account to cover it.

I found that amazing, that He could bring that realization to me in the middle of the night when I hadn’t been thinking about it at all! Certainly, a clear declaration that He will lead me on the right paths in my other challenges.

Yes, I got the message: “Relax, rest in Jesus, trust Him with all my heart! Praise you, Lord, for your great and gracious faithfulness.” Now I just have to do it!

Picture: listening to God in my dreams.

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