The story continues.
Now in Tajikistan airport in Dushanbe, I thought about the return trip and the uncertainties of what would happen when we arrived back at that empty airport. Would there be transportation back to the city, and if there was, would it be outrageously expensive? Stress producing “ifs.” seemed to engulf me.
But God stepped in and brought two verses from Psalm 131 to mind. Verse one said, “My heart is not proud, O Lord, my eyes are not haughty; I do not concern myself with great matters....” So, if I fuss and worry about things out of my control, I am being proud and haughty, acting as if I could influence these factors. Worry is a manifestation of pride!
Verse two led me to the next insight: “But I have stilled and quieted my soul, like a weaned child with its mother, like a weaned child is my soul within me.” My soul naturally craves the kind of security that seemingly being in control gives.
But such control is beyond the ability of any human being. Instead I must look away to the God who is actually in control, who brings what is good (which can also sometimes be what is very difficult) and rest in His embrace. It is up to me to quiet and still my soul, looking at truth, refusing to give in to fear and conjecture.
Then verse 3 sums it up: “...put your trust in the Lord both now and forever more.” Who do I trust? My level of worry certainly tells me something about that! This exposure of the sin of pride and its manifestations has been good.
After taking care of what is my responsibility (proper preparation), then I must quiet and still my soul and rest in Him, not let it thrash about in a fit of worry and self-pity. This rest in God is part of the lightness of the yoke Jesus offers us. He calls us to take it with joy.
We then got on the plane and flew into the unknown future, wrapped in the certainty that our Lord would watch over us. And He did upon arriving at the new airport, we were able to share a taxi with other passengers to get safely and inexpensively back to the big city. The Lord had it all in hand!
Prayer: “Lord, in the difficulties of life, help me to look to you, to rest in the greatness of who you are, to trust instead of worrying, to believe instead of feeling sorry for myself. Give wisdom in how to move ahead in your power today. Amen.”