Another adventure with Jesus.
Last week I lost my iPhone, which is an essential part of my work (and life!). That means not only that I lost my phone, but all my stored information: phone numbers, pictures, texts and messages.
Emotionally this could be equivalent to falling into a deep dark pit (communication cut off), or it could be launching off on an adventure with Jesus. And how does one do that? Simply by trusting, implemented by offering the sacrifice of thanksgiving, as it says in Psalm 50:21, and when we do that, we honor God and open the way for Him to show us the salvation of the Lord.
Well, I kind of hoped He would bring the phone back to me, but He had other plans, little gifts along the way.
--First I found that I could have all calls to my cell directed to my home phone. Great!
--Then I was able to get a used phone exactly like my old one.
--Then my provider promised to send out a new sim card right off.
--Then when I got the phone, I found that I could send and receive texts over wifi without the sim card.
--And most importantly, as I was setting up the phone, it prompted me to download all my data from the iCloud! So I didn’t lose all that after all!
But then another bump in the road. The supplier delayed sending the sim card, and after it was finally sent, the mail was very slow: projected arrival was over a week! Hmmm, another chance to offer the sacrifice of thanksgiving.
Finally today it arrived but when I tried to install the sim card, the directions didn’t make any sense. Called the provided and a person walked me through the long process, except, it would not allow me to send texts. After several tries, I was connected to apple help; the person there also struggled to resolve it, but after more than an hour got it to work! Success at last! Hopefully that is the end of the adventure.
This was actually not a big thing in life, but embracing this as an adventure protected me from much stress, wasted energy, unhappiness and anger, all of which would have resulted in outbursts at others. But Jesus offers us peace and joy in the midst of difficulty, big or small—if we only will trust in Him and receive that peace and joy (Romans 15:13).