Many people crave adventure, and some pay a lot of money to have on, like going to Disneyland, or a trip to Antarctica, or even a trip to outer space. But all these adventures are short-lived, for then you have to return to everyday life (yawn).
But there is one adventure that needs no money, no travel and never ends in this life. Jesus calls us to this: “If any man would come after me, let him deny himself, take up his cross daily and follow me.” If we follow Him, He then lays out a course of adventure for us every day: “Run with endurance the race marked out for you, looking to Jesus….” This better than spending a full day with….(fill in the bland with someone you admire).
Every morning as believers, we wake up, strap on our armor and enter the great conflict between good and evil—and we are always on the winning side! Our lives have purpose, a purpose stretching on into eternity. The things we do can last forever. And we will earn rewards as we enter the fray following King Jesus.
You never know what’s going to happen. The adventure could be as simple as things not working out as planned, giving you a chance to defeat Satan by offering the sacrifice of thanksgiving, thereby honoring God—a significant happening.
Or it may be a chance to have a God sighting, like yesterday when I went to the store and there was a fellow I’d been trying to get in touch with. Perfect timing showing God’s working in my life.
In my next post I will share more of the kind of adventures we can have with Jesus