The Purpose of our Lives: Glorifying God

Here it is, the purpose of our lives: Worship!
“…sing before the LORD, for he comes to judge the earth. He will judge the world in righteousness and the peoples with equity.”
Psalm 98:9
We will sing for joy to the Lord! You, Lord God, are the just and holy One and you are on the move to correct the injustice in the world. You have laid the foundation of redemptive righteousness in your great and powerful sacrifice of Jesus and in your raising Him from the dead.
You are now waiting for the right time to come and deal the final blow to all evil in the world, acting in equity and justice. You will eliminate wickedness, banishing it to the lake of fire forever, and you will fully transform your stubborn children into sinless holy beings able to come into the Kingdom of Heaven and live with you for eternity.
What a wonderful God you are, so patient in waiting for the right time, so gracious in providing a shelter from your wrath for all willing to come, so firm in carrying out your good plan to untwist the universe and right all wrongs.
We praise you for the suffering you allow in your wisdom, for you use it to open the eyes of blind rebels, as you did with us, to help us see the choices before us, to help us choose you that you may be highly honored!

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