“The LORD watches over you—the LORD is your shade at your right hand; the sun will not harm you by day, nor the moon by night.” Psalm 121:5,6
Praise be to you, Lord, for your faithfulness: you are the God of goodness, the Lord of love, the Almighty One who gives your word and keeps it. I praise you for your being Elohim, the strong and faithful One. Whatever promises you give, you have the power to fulfill them and the faithfulness to do so.
I give you praise and honor and exaltation for you are the King of Glory.
You, Lord Jesus, are absolutely faithful—faithful to your righteousness, to your holiness and justice, to the right judgment of evil while causing mercy to triumph over justice. You will always follow through on who you are--the perfect, pure and powerful King, the Lord of all, Ruler of righteousness and Redeemer of your enemies.
You, Heavenly Father, being both perfectly righteous and love itself, are faithful in your hatred of sin, of evil, of anything contrary to your character. In such love, you provide the solution to the problem of evil.
In your righteousness, you judge sin, rebellion, and anything contrary to good; if you didn’t judge, you would not be righteously loving, for righteous, pure and perfect love cannot abide with anything that is tainted by unlove, by selfishness, pride and evil.
Help us to live in the light of you beautiful, gracious character, resting in the shadow of the great rock you are, no matter what comes. May we be glory givers today, praising you in and for all things.