You, Lord Jesus, are
the Creator,
the Savior,
the Sustainer,
the Beginner and Ender of time.
You are
the Weaver of the tapestry of history,
the Transformer of tumultuous times
and troubling turning points
that flow from man’s flawed reasoning,
using them for good.
What patience you have,
what care you take,
what wisdom you show,
what power you exercise
in the delicate control of what men and the devil are allowed to do—
only so far and then they must stop;
only so much and then judgment.
You, Lord, reign,
let all the earth rejoice.
In you our hope is great:
joy flows,
justice is stirring,
glory shines,
righteousness rules,
goodness grows,
grace is given,
and your Name is lifted up.
Prayer: “May all that be true in my life today, O Father of all, King of Glory, Ruler of my life.
May I continually lift up your worthy name, glorify you with all my heart, magnify your honor, and bow before your majesty.
I love you, Lord Jesus, I praise you and exalt you. Help me to obey you for your honor today, O Lord. Amen”