Another Adventure

Here’s another adventure: playing a part in snatching people out of the jaws of eternal death in Hell and pointing them to the way to living forever with Jesus.

Today was a" hohum day" for me with phone calls, vacuuming and some computer work. Then two construction workers came to look at a possible rental space.

As is my habit, near the end of our business I said, “You know I have two terminal diseases: A G E, and kidney failure, so I’m going to die pretty soon. But that’s ok because I know where I’m going.

I continued, “And you, too will die sometime.” They nodded. “So, when you die and get to the gate of heaven where the angel asks you, ‘Why should I let you in?’ what will you say?”

As often happens, they were taken aback: they had never thought about that. As they fumbled to give an answer one said, “I did my  best,” the other, “I was kind.” So I shared the gospel briefly and clearly, and gave them a 4 spiritual laws booklet. This led to an interesting conversation with these rough, tough guys. One told about his near-death experience many years ago, the other about his Catholic upbringing. They went away enlightened and thoughtful.

That was an adventure! Now it is time for another adventure: praying for these men. And I will have opportunity to talk more as they have become my new renters!

We are called to be partners with God in His great plan. This is much  more than having the Eagles football time asking you to come and play for them! It is joining the Creator of the universe who breathed the stars, hung the earth on nothing and will bring about the end of history. Nothing is bigger than that!

His word to us is: “But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God's special possession, that YOU MAY DECLARE the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light.” 1 Peter 2:9

The Rescue

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